Raise the Woof! image

Raise the Woof!

Sponsor Rooms & Equipment in CAMP's new San Pedro community medicine clinic

$17,125 raised

$50,000 goal

Choose your own amount

/ 150


CAMP's San Pedro Community Medicine Clinic NEEDS YOU!

The new clinic is open but we could sure use more help supporting our ongoing low cost services. Support our mission and get your name on our wall along with other VIP perks!

What are the sponsorship opportunities?

1) Become an exclusive sponsor of one of the CAMP state-of-the-art clinic rooms!
Six rooms available to select from:

  • $10,000 - Treatment room
  • $10,000 - Surgery suite
  • $7,000 - Cat ward Features specialty heated kennels for cozy cats!
  • $7,000 - Dog ward - Features specialty heated kennels for delighted dogs!
  • $5000 - Exam rooms (2 available)

Sponsorship gets you:
- Permanent name plaque over door
- Name displayed in special CAMP Companion tier of Donor wall
- Deluxe VIP goody bag at event (or mailed if unable to attend)

2) Or lend a paw and sponsor our super cozy heated cat & dog kennels!

  • $1,200 - Become an exclusive sponsor individual dog or cat kennel for one year

Sponsorship gets you:
- Name displayed in special CAMP Companion tier of Donor wall
- VIP goody bag at event

  • $600 - Become a co-sponsor individual dog or cat kennel for one year

Sponsorship gets you:
- Name displayed in special CAMP Companion tier of Donor wall
- VIP goody bag at event

**If you prefer to write a check to avoid the fees associated with online donations, please contact Ari Vena at ari.vena@campLA.org or by phone at (917)407-4386.